Sabrina E Kent


My beautiful future constituents of the 165th, I thank you in advance for your support in electing me as your next representative to the Georgia House of Representative #165. I will be stepping into some big shoes, to fill the seat which Representative Mickey Stephens Held, to care for the families in the 165th. I promise I will do more than my best to not disappoint any of you. I have served in our community for more the 25 years working with, helping and being a voice for All the people, on various issues in many capacities within our community.

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Campaign Headquarters

Savannah, GA 
phone:  (457) 920-2053

Campaign Headquarters Hours:  7 days a week, 10am-5pm

Main Office

Savannah, GA 
phone:  (457) 920-2053

Office Hours:  4 days a week, 10am-5pm

Mailing Address

Savannah, GA 

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